Channel: David Levitz
Category: Music
Tags: mariah carey christmas shoplevitzall i want for christmas is youcirclenostarmariah carey vloglgbtqmeet and greetstory time mariah careymariah carey fan reactioni met mariah careymariah carey meet and greetmariah carey meet and greet experiencedavid levitzmeeting mariah careylamblambilymariah carey christmasstorytime mariah careydavidmariah carey lambmariah careymariah carey lambilygaylgbt
Description: I met Mariah Carey at her Christmas Pop-up Shop in Chelsea, NY - for real!!! You guys know how much of a die-hard lamb I am, and I'm so thankful to have been given the opportunity to meet my idol. It's the least I could do to archive it and share with all of you! This was my first time ever meeting Mariah. And how fitting it was the week All I Want For Christmas Is You went #1 on Billboard Hot 100!!! I couldn't BELIEVE IT, she is so chill and nice in person. Shout-out to the lambs for being kind, interesting people who made waiting in the cold fly by. If you ever have the chance to meet your idol, definitely do it, and if you already have please let me know what your experiences have been meeting your favorite performers or other inspirations in the comments! Let's keep this conversation going! Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Tumblr: Special thanks to my Patreon supporters for keeping this channel at its best. For more info, visit peace and love :)